At Messiah, we take a timeless approach to the Christian faith — one that values depth, simplicity, and authenticity over trends or spectacle. We are a small but growing congregation where relationships run deep, the challenging questions of faith are taken seriously, and simplicity is a source of joy. Here, you will find worship and community patterned around the ancient practices of the Christian faith while being encouraged to live out an active, liberative, and fresh expression of the Good News of Jesus for all people.
We don’t have a sprawling campus or a coffee shop in our lobby, but what we do have is a genuine sense of belonging. Here, you’ll find fellowship that feels more like a close-knit family—a place where real relationships are formed, every voice matters, and you are known and loved by name.
Learn more about our mission and ministires.
At Messiah, you won’t find easy, pre-packaged answers. We wrestle with big questions and encourage one another to grow deeper in our own understanding of God’s Word and what it means for us personally. Belief in Jesus is not about "thinking the correct things about God." The grace and salvation we have by faith in Jesus is powerful and transforms our own lives and the world around us. We call one another to not just be believers in Jesus but to be trusting disciples of Jesus — to pattern our lives after his example of prayer, preaching, fellowship, poverty, and solidarity with the most vulnerable.
Learn more about what we believe.
You won't find a concert with lights and fog machines at Messiah, but what you will find is that our worship reflects the timeless rhythms of Christian tradition. While we are not overly formal, we do embrace liturgical worship that connects us to the creeds and practices of the early Christians, reminding us of our place in God’s ongoing story. Whether formal or informal, in the church building or in lawn chairs outside, our moments of worship strive to be simple, heartfelt, a time where the focus remains on encountering God together.
Learn more about how we gather in worship.
You will not be turned away because of who you love, what you look like, what language you speak, how much money you have, where you are from, or for however else God has wonderfully made you. Messiah is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. We openly affirm LGBTQ+ individuals, are committed to the work of anti-racism, and make space for people the Christian Church has historically harmed and excluded. We strive to live out our baptismal vows by working for justice, practicing mercy, and being a welcoming community for all people.
Learn more about our commitment to justice and welcome.