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After months of prayer, conversation, and discernment, Messiah Lutheran Church has officially voted to become a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. This means that Messiah is now the only church in Weatherford and Parker County to explicitly and publicly welcome people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.

This isn’t just about a title—it’s about who we are. By taking this step, we’re proclaiming boldly: Everyone is welcome here, just as God welcomes all of us. No exceptions. No exclusions. This has been core to our identity at Messiah since we began as a mission over 25 years ago in Weatherford. This step is a timely and bold re-affirmation of that core conviction that makes Messiah a beacon of prophetic hope and saftey for so many people in our local community who have been exluded and harmed by the larger Christian church. We’re also intentionally committing to the ongoing work for racial equity and anti-racism, because God’s love calls us to justice, reconciliation, and radical hospitality. To read our new statement of justice and welcome and to learn more about what this means, visit

As the newest Reconciling in Christ congregation, Messiah is now part of a larger family of congregations across the U.S. and Canada who are living into this calling, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to take this step. Let’s keep celebrating—and keep living out our mission to be Christ’s hands and feet in Weatherford and beyond!